Online Source: www.breviary.net
Absolutio: Ipsíus píetas et misericórdia nos ádjuvet, qui cum Patre et Spíritu Sancto vivit et regnat in sæcula sæculórum.R. Amen. | Absolution: May his loving-kindness and mercy assist us. Who, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, for ever and ever. R. Amen. |
V. Jube domne, (Dómine) benedícere. | V. Vouchsafe, Reverend Father (O Lord), thy blessing. |
Benedíctio 4: Deus Pater omnípotens sit nobis propítius et clemens. R. Amen. | Benediction 4: May God the Father Almighty shew us his mercy and pity. R. Amen. |
Lesson iv | |
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Cyríllus Alexandrínus, cujus præcónia non uníus tantum vel altérius sunt comprobáta testimónio, sed étiam œcumenicórum conciliórum Ephesíni et Chalcedonénsis actis celebráta, claris ortus paréntibus, ac Theóphili epíscopi Alexandríni nepos, adhuc adoléscens præcelléntis ingénii clara specímina dedit. Lítteris ac sciéntiis egrégie imbútus, ad Joánnem epíscopum, Jerosolymitánum se cóntulit, ut in Christiána fide perficerétur. Alexandríam deínde cum rediísset, Theóphilo vita functo, ad illíus sedem evéctus est : quo in múnere ita óptimi pastóris formam ab Apóstolo definítam constánter præ se tulit, ut sanctíssimi præsulis glóriam mérito sit adéptus. | The praises of Cyril of Alexandria have been celebrated not only by one writer or another, but have even been registered in the acts of the Ecumenical Councils of Ephesus and Chalcedon. He was born of distinguished parents, and was the nephew of Theophilus, Pope of Alexandria. While he was still young he displayed marks of his excellent understanding. After giving a deep study to letters and science he betook himself to John, Bishop of Jerusalem, to be perfected in the Christian faith. After his return to Alexandria, and the death of Theophilus, he was raised to that see. In this office he kept ever before his eyes the type of the Shepherd of souls as it had been laid down by the Apostle ; and by ever adhering thereto deservedly earned the glory of an holy Bishop. |
V. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis. R. Deo grátias. | V. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R. Thanks be to God. |
![]() Alexandria | |
R. Invéni David servum meum, óleo sancto meo unxi eum : * Manus enim mea auxiliábitur ei. V. Nihil profíciet inimícus in eo, et fílius iniquitátis non nocébit ei. R. Manus enim mea auxiliábitur ei. | R. I have found David my servant, with my holy oil have I anointed him. * My hand shall hold him fast. V. The enemy shall not be able to do him violence ; the son of wickedness shall not hurt him. R. My hand shall hold him fast. |
V. Jube domne, (Dómine) benedícere. | V. Vouchsafe, Reverend Father (O Lord), thy blessing. |
Benedíctio 5: Christus perpétuæ det nobis gáudia vitæ.R. Amen. | Benediction 5: May Christ bestow upon us the joys of life eternal. R. Amen. |
Lesson v | |
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Salútis animárum zelo incénsus curas omnes inténdit, ut sibi commíssum gregem in fídei et morum integritáte serváret, atque a venenátis infidélium et hæreticórum páscuis defénderet. Hinc tum Nováti ásseclas e civitáte expélli, tum Judæos, qui furóre acti in cædem Christianórum conspiráverant, juxta leges puníri satégit. Singuláre vero Cyrílli pro cathólicæ fídei incolumitáte enítuit stúdium contra Nestórium Constantinopolitánum epíscopum, asseréntem Jesum Christum ex María Vírgine hóminem tantum et non Deum natum, eíque divinitátem pro méritis esse collátam ; cujus emendatiónem cum frustra tentásset, eum sancto Cælestíno Pontífici máximo denuntiávit. | Zeal of the salvation of souls was kindled in him, and he undertook all cares to keep in the faith and in soundness of life the flock unto him committed, and to preserve them from the poisonous pastures of infidelity and heresy ; hence, in accordance with the laws, he caused the followers of Novátus to be expelled from the city, and those Jews to be punished who had been induced by rage to plan a massacre of the Christians. His eminent care for the preservation of the Catholic faith pure and undefiled shone forth especially in his controversy against Nestorius, Patriarch of Constantinople, who asserted that Jesus Christ had been born of the Virgin Mary as man only and not as God, and that the Godhead had been bestowed upon him because of his merits. Cyril first attempted to convert Nestorius, but when he found this hopeless he denounced him to the Supreme Pontiff the holy Celestine. |
V. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis. R. Deo grátias. | V. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R. Thanks be to God. |
![]() The heretic Nestorius | |
R. Pósui adjutórium super poténtem, et exaltávi eléctum de plebe mea : * Manus enim mea auxiliábitur ei. V. Invéni David servum meum, óleo sancto meo unxi eum. R. Manus enim mea auxiliábitur ei. | R. I have laid help upon one that is mighty, I have exalted one chosen out of the people. * My hand shall hold him fast.V. I have found David, my servant, with my holy oil have I anointed him. R. My hand shall hold him fast. |
V. Jube domne, (Dómine) benedícere. | V. Vouchsafe, Reverend Father (O Lord), thy blessing. |
Benedíctio 6: Ignem sui amóris accéndat Deus in córdibus nostris. R. Amen. | Benediction 6: May God enkindle in our hearts the fire of his holy love. R. Amen. |
Lesson vi | |
![]() Saints Athanasius (left) and Cyril of Alexandria | |
Cælestíni delegáta auctoritáte, concílio Ephesíno præfuit, in quo hæresis Nestoriána pénitus proscrípta est, damnátus Nestórius et a sua Sede dejéctus, ac dogma cathólicum de una in Christo eáque divina persóna, et divína gloriósæ Vírginis Maríæ maternitáte assértum ; plaudénte pópulo univérso, qui incredíbili gáudio géstiens, collucéntibus fácibus domum dedúxit epíscopus. Sed hac de causa Cyríllus calúmniis, injúriis et persecutiónibus, plúrimis a Nestório ejúsque fautóribus impetítus fuit ; quas ipse patientíssime tulit, ita ut, de sola fide sollícitus, quidquid advérsus eum effutiébant ac moliebántur hærétici, pro níhilo habéret. Tandem pro Ecclésia Dei máximis perfúnctus labóribus, plurimísque scriptis éditis tum ad éthnicos et hæréticos confutándos, tum ad sacras Scriptúras et cathólica explanánda dógmata, sancto fine quiévit anno quadringentésimo quadragésimo quarto, episcopátus trigésimo secúndo. Leo décimus tértius Póntifex máximus Offícium et Missam præclaríssimi hujus fídei cathólicæ propugnatóris et Orientális ecclésiæ lúminis, ad Ecclésiam univérsam exténdit. | As delegate of Pope Celestine, Cyril presided at the Council of Ephesus where the Nestorian heresy was condemned ; Nestorius deprived of his see ; and the Catholic doctrine as to the unity of the Person in Christ and the divine Motherhood of the glorious Virgin Mary was laid down amid the rejoicings of all the people, who escorted the bishops to their lodgings with a torch-light procession. For this reason Nestorius and his followers made Cyril the object of slanders, insults, and persecutions which he bore with profound patience, having all his care for the purity of the faith, and taking no heed to what the heretics might say or try against him. At length he died a holy death, in the year of salvation 444 and of his own papacy the 32nd. After vast work for the Church of God, and leaving behind him divers writings directed either against heathens and heretics or to the exposition of the holy Scriptures and of Catholic doctrine, the Supreme Pontiff Leo XIII extended to the Universal Church the Office and Mass of this most eminent champion of the Catholic faith, and light of the Eastern Church. |
V. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis. R. Deo grátias. | V. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R. Thanks be to God. |
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R. Iste est, qui ante Deum magnas virtútes operátus est, et omnis terra doctrína ejus repléta est : * Ipse intercédat pro peccátis ómnium populórum.V. Iste est, qui contémpsit vitam mundi, et pervénit ad cæléstia regna. R. Ipse intercédat pro peccátis ómnium populórum.V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. R. Ipse intercédat pro peccátis ómnium populórum. | R. This is he who wrought mighty deeds and valiant in the sight of God, and all the earth is filled with his doctrine: * May his intercession avail for the sins of all the people.V. He was a man who despised the life of the world and attained unto the kingdom of heaven. R. May his intercession avail for the sins of all the people.V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. R. May his intercession avail for the sins of all the people. |
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