Online Source: www.breviary.net
Ad Vesperas
At Vespers
Te sæculórum Príncipem,
Te, Christe, Regem Géntium,
Te méntium te córdium
Unum fatémur árbitrum.
Lord of the ages evermore,
Each nation's King, the wide world o'er,
O Christ, our only Judge thou art,
And Searcher of the mind and heart.
Scelésta turba clámitat :
Regnáre Christum nólumus :
Te nos ovántes ómnium
Regem suprémum dícimus.
Through Sin with rebel voice maintain,
We will not have this Christ to reign,
Far other, Lord, shall be our cry,
Who hail thee King of kings most High.
O Christe, Princeps Pácifer,
Mentes rebélles súbjice:
Tuóque amóre dévios,
Ovíle in unum cóngrega.
O thou eternal Prince of peace,
Subdue man's pride, bid error cease,
Permit not sin to wax o'er-bold,
The strayed bring home within the fold.
Ad hoc cruénta ab árbore
Pendes apértis bráchiis,
Diráque fossum cúspide
Cor igne flagrans éxhibes.
For this thou hangedst on the Tree
With arms outstretched in loving plea;
For this thou shewedst forth thy Heart,
On fire with love, pierced by the dart.
Ad hoc in aris ábderis
Vini dapísque imágine,
Fundens salútem fíliis
Transverberáto péctore.
And yet that wounded side sheds grace
Forth from the altar's holy place,
Where, veiled 'neath humblest bread and wine,
Abides for man the life divine.
Te natiónum Præsides
Honóre tollant público,
Colant magístri, júdices,
Leges et artes éxprimant.
Earth's noblest rulers to thee raise
Their homage due of public praise;
Teachers and judges thee confess;
Art, science, law, thy truth express.
Submíssa regum fúlgeant
Tibi dicáta insígnia:
Mitíque sceptro pátriam
Domósque subde cívium.
Let kings be fain to dedicate
To thee the emblems of their state;
Rule thou each nation from above,
Rule o'er the people's homes in love.
Jesu tibi sit glória,
Qui sceptra mundi témperas,
Cum Patre, et almo Spíritu,
In sempitérna sæcula. Amen.
All praise, King Jesu, be to thee,
The Lord of all in majesty;
Whom with the Father we adore,
And Holy Ghost for evermore. Amen.
Ad Laudes
At Lauds
Vexílla Christus ínclyta
Late triúmphans éxplicat :
Gentes adéste súpplices,
Regíque regum pláudite.
See now the Christ, in triumph high,
Unfurl his standard to the sky!
Ye nations, fall before his feet;
The King of kings with homage greet.
Non Ille regna cládibus :
Non vi metúque súbdidit
Alto levátus stípite,
Amóre traxit ómnia.
The kingdoms that he claims as Lord
He quelled not by grim fear or sword,
But rather, on the Cross raised high,
He would on love alone rely.
O ter beáta cívitas
Cui rite Christus ímperat,
Quæ jussa pergit éxsequi
Edícta mundo cælitus !
That civic state, how trebly blest,
Where Christ bears rule by man confessed;
There edicts of high heaven run;
There upon earth God's will is done.
Non arma flagrant ímpia,
Pax usque firmat fœdera,
Arrídet et concórdia,
Tutus stat ordo cívicus.
No civil strife can kindle there;
Good will prevails, and peace most fair;
There concord smiles 'twixt man and man;
Firm stands life's wise and ordered plan.
Servat fides connúbia,
Juvénta pubet íntegra,
Pudíca florent límina
Domésticis virtútibus.
There wedlock firm in hallowed troth,
And youth with sweet unsullied growth,
Make every home the dwelling place
Of every pure and modest grace.
Optáta nobis spléndeat
Lux ista, Rex dulcíssime :
Te, pace adépta cándida,
Adóret orbis súbditus.
May this thy light, for which we pine,
Sweet King of love, upon us shine;
And all the earth, in holy peace,
From thy glad praises never cease.
Jesu tibi sit glória,
Qui sceptra mundi témperas,
Cum Patre, et almo Spíritu,
In sempitérna sæcula. Amen.
All praise, King Jesu, be to thee,
The Lord of all in majesty;
Whom with the Father we adore,
And Holy Ghost for evermore. Amen.
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