The Acta of St. John the Evangelist, from Matins of the Feast
Online Source: www.breviary.net
The Psalms and Antiphons for the Second Nocturn are taken from the Common | |
Absolutio: Ipsíus píetas et misericórdia nos ádjuvet, qui cum Patre et Spíritu Sancto vivit et regnat in sæcula sæculórum.R. Amen.
Absolution: May his loving-kindness and mercy assist us. Who, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, for ever and ever.
R. Amen. |
V. Jube domne, (Dómine) benedícere.
V. Vouchsafe, Reverend Father (O Lord), thy blessing.
Benedíctio 4: Deus Pater omnípotens sit nobis propítius et clemens.
R. Amen. |
Benediction 4: May God the Father Almighty shew us his mercy and pity.
R. Amen. |
Lesson iv | |
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Ex libro sancti Hierónymi Presbyteri de Scriptóribus ecclesiásticis
| The Lesson is taken from the Book on Ecclesiastical writers, written by St. Jerome the Priest |
Cap. 9 | |
Joánnes Apóstolus, quem Jesus amávit plúrimum, fílius Zebedæi, frater Jacóbi Apóstoli, quem Heródes post passiónem Dómini decollávit, novíssimus ómnium scripsit Evangélium, rogátus ab Asiæ epíscopis, advérsus Cerínthum, aliósque hæréticos, et máxime tunc Ebionitárum dogma consúrgens, qui ásserunt Christum ante Maríam non fuísse : unde et compúlsus est divínam ejus nativitátem edícere.
The Apostle John, whom Jesus loved, was a son of Zebedee, and the brother of that James the Apostle who was beheaded by Herod soon after our Lord suffered. He was the last of the Evangelists to write his Gospel, which he published at the request of the Bishops of Asia against Cerinthus and other hereticks, and particularly against the then spreading doctrine of the Ebionites, who asserted that Christ had had no existence before Mary. It was therefore needful for the Evangelist to declare his eternal and divine generation.
V. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis.
R. Deo grátias. |
V. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us.
R. Thanks be to God. |
R. Qui vícerit, fáciam illum colúmnam in templo meo, dicit Dóminus : * Et scribam super eum nomen meum, et nomen civitátis novæ Jerúsalem.
V. Vincénti dabo édere de ligno vitæ, quod est in paradíso Dei mei. R. Et scribam super eum nomen meum, et nomen civitátis novæ Jerúsalem. |
R. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, saith the Lord : * And I will write upon him my new Name, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem.V. To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
R. And I will write upon him my new Name, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem. |
V. Jube domne, (Dómine) benedícere.
V. Vouchsafe, Reverend Father (O Lord), thy blessing.
Benedíctio 5: Christus perpétuæ det nobis gáudia vitæ.R. Amen.
Benediction 5: May Christ bestow upon us the joys of life eternal.
R. Amen. |
Lesson v | |
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Quarto décimo ígitur anno, secúndam post Nerónem persecutiónem movénte Domitiáno, in Patmos ínsulam relegátus, scripsit Apocalypsim, quam interpretátur Justínus Martyr et Irenæus. Interfécto autem Domitiáno, et actis ejus ob nímiam crudelitátem a senátu rescíssis, sub Nerva príncipe rédiit Ephesum : ibíque usque ad Trajánum príncipem persevérans, totas Asiæ fundávit rexítque ecclésias : et conféctus sénio, sexagésimo octávo post passiónem Dómini anno mórtuus, juxta eámdem urbem sepúltus est.
In the fourteenth year of Domitian, whilst this same was stirring up the second persecution after that of Nero, John was exiled to the Island of Patmos where he wrote his Apocalypse, whereon commentaries have been composed by Justin Martyr and Irenaeus. When Domitian was killed, the Senate annulled all his acts on account of their excessive severity, and the Apostle returned to Ephesus during the reign of Nerva. There he remained until the time of Trajan, and founded and governed all the churches of Asia. There also in an extreme old age, he died, in the sixty-eighth year after the Lord's passion, and was buried near the same city of Ephesus.
V. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis.
R. Deo grátias. |
V. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us.
R. Thanks be to God. |
![]() The ruins of the basilica of St. John, Ephesus | |
R. Diligébat autem eum Jesus, quóniam speciális prærogatíva castitátis amplióri dilectióne fécerat dignum : * Quia virgo eléctus ab ipso, virgo inævum permánsit.
V. In cruce dénique moritúrus, huic Matrem suam vírginem vírgini commendávit. R. Quia virgo eléctus ab ipso, virgo in ævum permánsit. |
R. And Jesus did love John much, for the prerogative of a singular purity made him worthy of a fuller love ; * Who was virgin when Jesus chose him, and thereafter kept himself virgin.V. Dying on the Cross, the Lord commended his Virgin-Mother to his virgin disciple.
R. Who was virgin when Jesus chose him, and thereafter kept himself virgin. |
V. Jube domne, (Dómine) benedícere.
V. Vouchsafe, Reverend Father (O Lord), thy blessing.
Benedíctio 6: Ignem sui amóris accéndat Deus in córdibus nostris.
R. Amen. |
Benediction 6: May God enkindle in our hearts the fire of his holy love.
R. Amen. |
Lesson vi | |
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Ex Commentáriis ejúsdem in Epístolam ad Gálatas | The Lesson is taken from the Commentary upon the Epistle to the Galatians, by the same author |
Lib. 3, cap. 6 | |
Beátus Joánnes Evangelísta, cum Ephesi morarétur usque ad últimam senectútem, et vix inter discipulórum manus ad ecclésiam deferrétur, nec posset in plura vocem verba contéxere ; nihil áliud per síngulas solébat proférre colléctas, nisi hoc : Filíoli, dilígite altérutrum. Tandem discípuli et fratres, qui áderant, tædio affécti quod éademsemper audírent, dixérunt : Magíster, quare semper hoc lóqueris? Qui respóndit dignam Joánne senténtiam : Quia præcéptum Dómini est ; et, si solum fiat, súfficit.
The blessed Evangelist John lived at Ephesus down to such an extreme old age that he was with difficulty supported in the arms of his disciples and so was carried to the church. And being unable to articulate many words, he was wont to utter each time to the congregation the simple words : Little children, love one another. At last his disciples and brethren were weary of hearing these words so often, and asked him : Master, wherefore ever sayest thou this only? Whereto he gave an answer worthy of John : It is the commandment of the Lord, and if this only be done, it is enough.
V. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis.
R. Deo grátias. |
V. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us.
R. Thanks be to God. |
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R. In médio Ecclésiæ apéruit os ejus, * Et implévit eum Deus spíritu sapiéntiæ et intelléctus.
V. Jucunditátem et exsultatiónem thesaurizávit super eum. R. Et implévit eum Deus spíritu sapiéntiæ et intelléctus. V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. R. Et implévit eum Deus spíritu sapiéntiæ et intelléctus. |
R. In the midst of the congregation he opened his mouth : * And the Lord filled him with the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding.V. He shall find joy, and a crown of gladness.
R. And the Lord filled him with the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding.V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. R. And the Lord filled him with the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding. |
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