
From Matins of the Feast of St. Anthony of Padua, Confessor and Doctor
Online Source: www.breviary.net
Absolutio: Ipsíus píetas et misericórdia nos ádjuvet, qui cum Patre et Spíritu Sancto vivit et regnat in sæcula sæculórum.R. Amen. | Absolution: May his loving-kindness and mercy assist us. Who, with the Father, and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, for ever and ever. R. Amen. |
V. Jube domne, (Dómine) benedícere. | V. Vouchsafe, Reverend Father (O Lord), thy blessing. |
Benedíctio 4: Deus Pater omnípotens sit nobis propítius et clemens. R. Amen. | Benediction 4: May God the Father Almighty shew us his mercy and pity. R. Amen. |
Lesson iv | |
![]() Lisbon, where St. Anthony was born on the Feast of the Assumption, in the year of grace 1195 | |
Antónius, Ulyssipóne in Lusitánia honéstis ortus paréntibus, et ab iis pie educátus, adoléscens, institútum canonicórum regulárium suscépit. Sed, cum córpora beatórum quinque Mártyrum fratrum Minórum Conímbriam transferéntur, qui paulo ante apud Marróchium pro Christi fide passi erant, martyrii desidério incénsus ad Franciscánum órdinam transívit. Mox eódem ardóre impúlsus, ad Saracénos ire perréxit ; sed, advérsa valetúdine afflíctus et redíre coáctus, cum navi ad Hispániæ líttora ténderet, ventórum vi in Sicíliam delátus est. | Anthony was born of decent parents at Lisbon in Portugal. They gave him a godly training, and while he was still a young man, he joined an Institute of Canons Regular. However, when the bodies of the five holy martyred Friars Minor, who had just suffered in Morocco for Christ's sake, were brought to Coïmbra, the desire to be himself a martyr took a strong hold upon him, and he left the Canons Regular and became a Franciscan. The same yearning led him to attempt to go among the Saracens, but he fell sick on the way, and being obliged to turn back, the ship in which he had embarked for Spain was driven by stress of weather to Sicily. |
V. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis. R. Deo grátias. | V. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R. Thanks be to God. |
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R. Honéstum fecit illum Dóminus, et custodívit eum ab inimícis, et a seductóribus tutávit illum : * Et dedit illi claritátem ætérnam.V. Justum dedúxit Dóminus per vias rectas, et osténdit illi regnum Dei. R. Et dedit illi claritátem ætérnam. | R. The Lord multiplied the fruit of his labours and defended him from his enemies, and kept him safe from those that lay in wait. * And gave him perpetual glory. V. The Lord guided the righteous in right paths, and shewed him the kingdom of God. R. And gave him perpetual glory. |
V. Jube domne, (Dómine) benedícere. | V. Vouchsafe, Reverend Father (O Lord), thy blessing. |
Benedíctio 5: Christus perpétuæ det nobis gáudia vitæ.R. Amen. | Benediction 5: May Christ bestow upon us the joys of life eternal. R. Amen. |
Lesson v | |
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Assísium e Sicília ad capítulum generále venit : inde in erémum montis Pauli in Æmília secéssit, ubi divínis contemplatiónibus, jejúniis et vigíliis diu vacávit. Póstea, sacris ordínibus initiátus et ad prædicándum Evangélium missus, dicéndi sapiéntia et cópia tantum profécit, tantámque sui admiratiónem commóvit, ut eum summus Póntifex aliquándo concionántem áudiens, arcam Testaménti appellárit. In primis vero hæreses summa vi profligávit, ideóque perpétuus hæreticórum málleus est vocátus. | From Sicily he came to Assisi to attend the General Chapter of his Order, and thence withdrew himself to the Hermitage of Monte Paolo near Bologna, where he gave himself up for a long while to consideration of the things of God, to fastings, and to watchings. Being afterward ordained Priest, and sent to preach the Gospel, his wisdom and fluency were very marked, and drew on him such admiration of men, that the Pope, once hearing him preach, called him The Ark of the Covenant. One of his chief points was to expend all his strength in attacking heresies, whence he gained the name of the Heretics' everlasting Hammer. |
V. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis. R. Deo grátias. | V. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R. Thanks be to God. |
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R. Amávit eum Dóminus, et ornávit eum : stolam glóriæ índuit eum, * Et ad portas paradísi coronávit eum.V. Induit eum Dóminus lorícam fídei, et ornávit eum. R. Et ad portas paradísi coronávit eum. | R. The Lord loved him and adorned him; he clothed him with a robe of glory : * And crowned him at the gates of Paradise.V. The Lord hath put on him the breast-plate of faith, and hath adorned him. R. And crowned him at the gates of Paradise. |
V. Jube domne, (Dómine) benedícere. | V. Vouchsafe, Reverend Father (O Lord), thy blessing. |
Benedíctio 6: Ignem sui amóris accéndat Deus in córdibus nostris. R. Amen. | Benediction 6: May God enkindle in our hearts the fire of his holy love. R. Amen. |
Lesson vi | |
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Primus ex suo ordine, ob doctrínæ præstántiam, Bonóniæ et álibi sacras lítteras est interpretátus, fratrúmque suórum stúdiis præfuit. Multis vero peragrátis provínciis, anno ante óbitum Patávium venit, ubi illústria sanctitátis suæ monuménta relíquit. Dénique magnis labóribus pro glória Dei perfúnctus, méritis et miráculis clarus obdormívit in Dómino Idibus Júnii, anno salútis millésimo ducentésimo trigésimo primo. Quem Gregórius nonus, Póntifex máximus, sanctórum Confessórum número adscrípsit, et Pius duodécimus, ex Sacrórum Rítuum Congregatiónis consúlto, universális Ecclésiæ Doctórem declarávit. | He was the first of his Order who, on account of his excellent gift of teaching, publicly lectured at Bologna on the interpretation of Holy Scripture, and directed the studies of his brethren. He travelled through many provinces. The year before his death he came to Padua, where he left some remarkable records of his holy life. After having undergone much toil for the glory of God, full of good works and miracles, he fell asleep in the Lord upon the 13th day of June, in the year of salvation 1231. Pope Gregory IX enrolled his name among those of the Holy Confessors, and Pius XII, having consulted the Congregation of Sacred Rites, declared him a Doctor of the universal Church. |
V. Tu autem, Dómine, miserére nobis. R. Deo grátias. | V. But thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us. R. Thanks be to God. |
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R. Iste homo perfécit ómnia quæ locútus est ei Deus, et dixit ad eum : Ingrédere in réquiem meam : * Quia te vidi justum coram me ex ómnibus géntibus. V. Iste est, qui contémpsit vitam mundi, et pervénit ad cæléstia regna. R. Quia te vidi justum coram me ex ómnibus géntibus. V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. R. Quia te vidi justum coram me ex ómnibus géntibus. | R. This is he which did according to all that God commanded him ; and God said unto him : Enter thou into my rest : * For thee have I seen righteous before me among all people.V. This is he which despised his life in this world, and is come unto an everlasting kingdom. R. For thee have I seen righteous before me among all people.V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. R. For thee have I seen righteous before me among all people. |
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