Saturday, September 11, 2010

Instaurare omnia in Christo: "Restoring" (not "Renewing") all Things in Christ

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"Renew" says "out with the old, in with the new."  In other words: Aggiornamento.  It's a malicious euphemism that seeks to spread its modernist poison among the weak minded and effeminate.  It evokes the root of all evil in our modern world: Felt banners.  Liturgical dance.  Dialogue.  Ecumenism.  Historical Consciousness.  New Pentecost.  Reformation.  Revolution.  Death to tradition.

"Restore," on the other hand, says "in with the old, out with the new."  In other words: Tradition.  It's a strong, firm word, said with conviction of the value of the past and seeks continuity between it and the present.   It evokes the vigor of the Church: Stability.  Condemnation of Heresy.  Social Kingship of Christ.  Scholasticism.  Counter-Reformation.  Counter-Revolution.  

So if you're a real trad, be brave and strong and seek the Church's restoration, to restore tradition; don't seek to 'renew' or be an advocate of 'renewal', or you'll be identified as a post-conciliar softie.  Aim to restore the Church, not to 'renew' it.  Defend the restoration of Sacred Theology, shun its 'renewal'.  Fight to restore the liturgy, and be nauseated by its 'renewal'.  Let us restore all things in Christ, not 'renew' them.

The following are selected definitions from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:


 verb \ri-ˈnü, -ˈnyü\

Definition of RENEW

transitive verb

: to make new spiritually : regenerate
3b : to make extensive changes in : rebuild
: to do again : repeat
: to begin again : resume
: replacereplenishrenew water in a tank;

intransitive verb
: to become new or as new
: to begin again : resume
: to make a renewal (as of a lease)
— re·new·er noun

First Known Use of RENEW

14th century


 vt \ri-ˈstȯr\

Definition of RESTORE

: to put or bring back into existence or use
: to bring back to or put back into a former or original state :renew
: to put again in possession of something
— re·stor·er noun

Examples of RESTORE

  1. The police restored law and order.
  2. The government needs to restore confidence in the economy.
  3. an antique car that is being carefully restored

Origin of RESTORE

Middle English, from Anglo-French restorer, from Latin restaurare to rebuild, alteration of instaurare to rebuild
First Known Use: 14th century

Related to RESTORE

Synonyms: repairrebuild


Geremia said...

Brick by brick!

Anonymous said...

How about an explanation with examples of Modernist newspeak?