Gardeil, OP on Aristotelian Mixtures as Substances
Why is this an important issue? Visit the Quaestiones Disputatae forum and read the post entitled "Question on Hylomorphism."
Is this one of the best introductions on Thomistic cosmology? Thanks
In addition to De principiis naturae, St. Thomas's De mixtione elementorum and this The Thomist article on it are helpful: Elemental Virtual Presence in St. Thomas by Christopher Decaen of Thomas Aquinas College.
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Why is this an important issue? Visit the Quaestiones Disputatae forum and read the post entitled "Question on Hylomorphism."
Is this one of the best introductions on Thomistic cosmology? Thanks
In addition to De principiis naturae, St. Thomas's De mixtione elementorum and this The Thomist article on it are helpful: Elemental Virtual Presence in St. Thomas by Christopher Decaen of Thomas Aquinas College.
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