Royo Marin, Antonio - Teologia de La Perfeccion Cristiana 01
As can be seen from his letter to the author (p. xxxv), Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange highly praises this manual, written in Spanish by his confrere, Antonio Royo Marín, OP. It is also said that Fr. Garrigou considered this manual to better than his own The Three Ages of the Interior Life and that he recommended it more highly.
Here is the 1962 edition (later editions contain a few quotations and doctrines taken from Vatican II and post-conciliar documents, but retain the scholastic format and essential plan of the work).
For me this is truly a godsend. I bought the hard copy (a whopping 1000-pager) a few months back and had been hauling it into the oratory and other places for daily spiritual reading, along with my iPad, bible, and breviary. Last week I wished/prayed that it soon become available on PDF on the internet, so that I didn't have to drag it around. I didn't look for it or ask anyone (other than God) for it or anything; a friend just spontaneously posted it on Facebook! Deo gratias!
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