Above is a facsimile of the original; a translation follows.
We cannot accept ecumenical reunions:
Because it casts doubt on Catholic dogma: OUTSIDE OF THE CHURCH THERE IS NO SALVATION, on account of which it has always been believed that the Catholic Church is the only arc of salvation, the only one that has the means of sanctification and the true, infallible magisterium.
Because it dishonorably places the Catholic Church, the only [Church] founded by Christ, at the same level as false religions; just as Pilate placed Jesus and Barrabas at the same level.
Because it dampens and renders bourgeois the apostolic zeal of Catholics, making them scorn the apostolate and the missionary spirit, and because it confuses non-Catholics, making them think that they can be saved in their false religion.
Because Pope Pius XI in 1928 in his encyclical MORTALIUM ANIMOS condemns the ecumenical movement saying: “The Apostolic See has not permitted, nor will it permit, the attendance at the reunions of non-Catholics; the union of Christians can only be sought by favoring the return of dissidents to the one, true Church of Christ....”.
Cruzade for Christ the King, Inc. [Personal name]
[Personal address] [telephone number]
[email address]
The original sheets were about 21 cm (8 1/2 in) wide and 14cm tall (5 in), that is, half of an 8 1/2 by 11'' sheet.
As can be appreciated from both the flyer (SSPX) and the Sermon (FSSP), the message is the same. So why was there a protest? A complete misunderstanding.
This is being discussed on the fisheater blog. The eye witness account said that the fliers called the FSSP evil. However, the FSSP was not mentioned in this flier. Were there more than one flier? Or was the eyewitness drawing conclusions from this flier? In the end, the SSPX messed up and needs to apologize, but we need to stick to the facts. --James02
There may have been other flyers, but I did not see any other flyers than this one that I posted.
Fr. Puga, however, was orally (through the loudspeaker) yelling that the FSSP is for "accomodated" or "comfortable Catholics" (catolicos acomodados).
I guess a better, less literal, translation would be "compromising Catholics" (although "acomodados" means comfortable, but he meant that we are compromising).
It is true, I did say they were handing out "flyers denouncing the FSSP as being in error." Now I realize the flyer does not mention the FSSP explicitly, but still that is the idea that the flyer is communicating: that what was going on that night inside the FSSP Chapel was an error denounced by Mortalium animos.
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