The Ten Commandments of the Code of Chivalry
1. Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches, and shalt observe all its directions.
2. Thou shalt defend the Church.
3. Thou shalt repect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them.
4. Thou shalt love the country in the which thou wast born.
5. Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy.
6. Thou shalt make war against the Infidel without cessation, and without mercy.
7. Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God.
8. Thou shalt never lie, and shall remain faithful to thy pledged word.
9. Thou shalt be generous, and give largess to everyone.
10. Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.
A bit over-dramatic, but it does communicate the basic idea.
Love it! Where do these come from?
Regarding the one about making war against the infidel, I assume it doesn't mean mean there should be a constant state of literal, merciless war? That would seem to imply that we should convert the world by force. Maybe it means spiritual war, war of ideas, etc.?
For those interested in Catholic Chivalry, there is Corpus Christianum - www.corpuschristianum.org
"making war against the infidel"(by good I refer to justice and order. by evil I mean dictators,tyrants and oppressors)is simply to declare war to all those who do against good and instead do evil in their actions, if we omit not to defeat evil in the high places, how are we supposed to free those human beings chained by the evil principalities of man? By "principalities" I mean wrong principles of virtue. Thus it is wrong not to declare war against the infidel, for if we omit evil will grow stronger and by default us weaker, then in consequence all things would be unbalanced and we would perish. I say "we would perish" because our nature is to obey and if evil enters the church victorious, we would have to obey its command and ourselves would become evil,so summit, thus perish for good or for evil. Is this true or not? :)
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