From the Roman Martyrology:
Romæ sancti Gregórii Papæ Secúndi, qui Leónis Isáurici impietáti acérrime réstitit, et sanctum Bonifátium ad prædicándum Evangélium in Germániam misit. | At Rome, Pope St. Gregory II, who courageously withstood the impiety of Leo the Isaurian, and sent St. Boniface to preach the Gospel in Germany. |
From Denzinger, The Sources of Catholic Dogma:
The Form and Minister of Baptism *
[From the epistle Desiderabilem mihi to St. Boniface, Nov. 22, 726]
296a You have said that some without the profession of the Creed were baptized by adulterous and unworthy priests. In these cases may your love hold to the ancient custom of the Church: that, whoever has been baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, may in no case be rebaptized; for not in the name of the one baptizing, but in the name of the Trinity has one received the gift of this grace. And let that which the Apostle says be observed: One God, one faith, one baptism [Eph. 4:51]. But we recommend that to such you teach more zealously the spiritual doctrine.
Click here to read the Catholic Encyclopedia article on Pope St. Gregory II.
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